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Likely Stories - Tracy, Dave, and Nancy, hard at work Likely Stories - Tracy, Dave, and Nancy, looking innocent Likely Stories - Dave and Tracy Likely Stories - Nancy and Tracy Likely Stories - Dave Schindele at the piano
  Looking innocent  



Likely Stories - Tracy Jane Comer Likely Stories - Dave Schindele at the piano Likely Stories - Nancy Rost at the piano Likely Stories - Tracy Jane Comer Likely Stories - Nancy Rost
"Really, it was THIS big!!"      


Likely Stories - Dave and Nancy fighting over the piano Likely Stories - Dave and Nancy playing well together Likely Stories - Tracy and Dave Likely Stories - Dave Schindele at the piano Likely Stories - Nancy and Tracy

Dave and Nancy fighting over the piano

Dave and Nancy playing well together

"Stay out of the way
of my bow!"
Likely Stories Groupie #1, Freddie Likely Stories Groupie #1, Freddie Likely Stories Groupie #2, Punkin Likely Stories - Tracy Jane Comer Likely Stories - Tracy Jane Comer

Groupie #1, Freddie

"Wasn't me!!!"

Groupie #2, Punkin








